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With a background in Mass Communication and an interest in putting thought into words, I often serve as content writer or copywriter for team projects at school and at the various companies I interned or worked at. These are some works from my days at Ngee Ann Poly, my current university, and at various stints with publishing companies.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Dystopias have never gained similar prominence in any point in history than today. It is not a new genre, nor does it appeal to a niche group of audience. Its popularity and correlating proliferation aligns with times of human devastation or societal panic (Sarner “Dystopian Fiction; Wilkins “As Our World Crumbles“). Dystopian literature has long crossed into the realm of moving pictures from the various adaptations of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, to David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas. Rather than dampening in interest, the genre rapidly proliferated in recent years through greater understanding and threat of dystopian themes being realised in everyday life (Maloney “Dystopian Books and Films”).


Written and designed by Ng Peiling.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Stranger than Fiction explores and reinvigorates age-old tales and fantastical imaginations of Asia based on Western cinematic fiction you already know and love. This issue takes on J. K. Rowling’s wizarding world of Harry Potter through the adventures and misadventures of a trio of magical students in Britain- but, you already know that. Now reframe everything there is to know about that massively inventive world and delve into the Eastern world of mythical places, mystical beasts and beings, herbs and artifacts.


Editorial by Christie Cheng and Ng Peiling; design and layouts by Ardine Keyla, Grace Duong, Jin Hui, and Sofea. Illustrations by Christie Cheng, Ng Peiling, Ardine Keyla, Jin Hui, and Sofea.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Clementi is a collection of old and new buildings but with beautifully refurbished communal areas in between. In spite of the excessive facelifts to its public spaces in recent years, its 'old guard' resolutely sticks to their old habits of congregating by the dozens at bird singing corners between blocks and at void decks near Avenue 3. The Stationery Sparrow was inspired by the sand-carpeted old 'sparrow playground' that has found a special place in many residents' fond memories. It is an assemblage of compressed chipboard and ceramic handles from cupboards, a wooden ruler set in Chinese units of measure, a sand-patterned tile, and pieces of an antique desk shelf. It comes with a complimentary set of twelve quality colour pencils, which we liken to how individuals of diverse backgrounds gather over their shared avian-related pursuits.


Copy and layout by Ng Peiling; vetted and edited by lecturer Vikas Bhatt Kailankaje.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

One of the leading market leader and premier manufacturer of industrial-grade printers, Fuji Xerox is breaking new ground with the first all-in-one clear, gold and silver printable Color 1000i Press. To introduce the new printer and exhibit its capabilities to produce vibrant and precise prints, the team put together a novel direct mailer that interacts with target consumers through meticulous and peculiar design. Attentively put together with intricate patterns and colours inspired from the vivid culture and backgrounds of Fuji Xerox’s target markets in Asia and Oceania, the mailer boasts of the product’s own work hints at the limitless capacity of the Color 1000i Press taking print medium to the next level with print quality beyond efficiency.

Copy by Ng Peiling; pattern designs and layout by Jennifer Wiriawan, Francesca Fernandez and Ng Peiling.

Sunday, March 06, 2016

Revisit the dark Scandinavian forests, the scorching plains of the Sahara and Eastern forests imbued with colourful fables through the fantastical pack of 26 cards featuring modern rendition of the oldest legends from major cultures around the world. Characters include:


Fenrir of Norse mythos: an infamous creature of Old Norse prophesised to kill the elder god Odin along with several fabled figures at the twilight of the gods: Ragnarök. Sekhmet of Egyptian mythos: an arbiter of justice in the Judgment Hall of Osiris, a deity of war and hunts. Kumiho of Korean folklores: a devious predator of human flesh and a masterful shapeshifter that zealously guards her true nature from others.

Copy and layouts by Ng Peiling.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wrote and sub-edited various sections and articles: Calendar (p10 & p12), Globetrotter: Overnight (p20-22), parts of Globetrotter: In Our Case (p24), Easy Trips (p27-30), Special Feature: Travel Revolution Fair 2015 (p81), Special Feature: MATTA Fair 2015 (p84-84).


Published by Regent Media.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wrote and sub-edited various sections and articles: Calendar (p10 & p12), Easy Trips (p27-30).


Published by Regent Media.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Suhaimi Subandie is a 50-year-old father of four. He raises his family with a strict but loving hand, guided by traditional values and unrelenting morals learnt through trials of his own life. As one of the founding members and guitarist of Stompin' Ground, the first hardcore punk band of the Lion City Hardcore scene (LCHC) in 1988, he helped lead a revolution and paved the way for future burgeoning bands and aspiring artistes. Punk is Dad discusses Suhaimi as a musician and as a dad, the importance of family amidst struggle, and the positivity hardcore punk brought to the life of a resolute.


Copy, photography and design by Ng Peiling.

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