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China Glaze Main Poster
China Glaze Main Poster
Poster: Details
Bus Shelter Mock Up

Market research suggests that China Glaze nailpolish suffer from poor equity in the eyes of its target consumers in Singapore. It was a brand that was associated with 'poor subpar goods from China' for its namesake, lower price, and lack of brand outreach to the Singaporean market despite its greater quality and durability uncovered through survey research.


The campaign which includes a promotion, a 30-sec TV and radio commercial, seeks to avert assumptions that China Glaze as an inferior brand to their competitors, and better associate it with the softer elegance of the Chinese culture.

Design and copy by me, vetted by advertising lecturer Christina Jimenez.

This was part of a school assignment and not a commissioned or sponsored project by China Glaze. Poster mockup templates by, Belle Wille, and Freepik.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic MCM Year 2 Semester 1

Introduction to Advertising

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