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00 Cover
02-03 Introduction
04-05 Timeline
06-07 Definitions
14-15 Cloud Atlas
16-17 The Lego Movie
20-21 Black Mirror
26-27 Audiences' Standpoint
30-31 Audiences' Standpoint
32-33 Books to Films
34-35 Adopting Fictional Symbols
38-38 Adopting Fictional Symbols
40-41 Adopting Fictional Symbols

A 48-page A5 research compendium designed and printed in black and white.

It is a compilation of research materials collected and annotated over the course of three months about the topic of dystopia and utopia, with a key focus on the former. The reseach materials include video essays, published essays, readers, journals, opinion and news articles, and reviews of books, shows, podcasts, and more.


LASALLE BADC Level 2 Semester 2
Mockup from

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